July 11th, 2023
As Seen on The Joe Rogan Podcast!
"I need one of those" - Joe Rogan
"You hit a fly with that m'fer and it's dead..." - Brian Simpson
July 11th, 2023
"I need one of those" - Joe Rogan
"You hit a fly with that m'fer and it's dead..." - Brian Simpson
May 23, 2019
If killing a fly bothers you, stop reading.
If, however, flies are your nemesis, if they make your life miserable when you’re trying to picnic at the park, barbecue in the backyard, sleep at night but can’t because some stupid fly got in the house and is buzzing around...
If you hate them, then Lorenzo Maggiore is your patron saint.
October 14, 2012
At the Port of Los Angeles, a shipping container holds new weapons in man's battle against one of his oldest adversaries: Musca domestica—the housefly.
The mastermind behind this arsenal is Lorenzo Maggiore, an eighth-grade dropout turned artist who makes an unlikely merchant of death. The sinewy 51-year-old, who favors cargo shorts and wraparound sunglasses, is a surfer and yoga practitioner who speaks in a distinctly Southern California patois.
But when it comes to winged invaders, Mr. Maggiore is no peacenik: He is the creator of a plastic, pump-action shotgun that blasts pests with table salt—he calls it the Bug-a-Salt. While flies are his personal bugaboo, he says the weapon is lethal against mosquitoes, spiders and all sorts of irksome insects
March 27, 2023
“Much better than a fly swatter and …more environmentally friendly than bug spray!”
March 20, 2023
The BUG-A-SALT 3.0 is an insect-destroying super weapon—and it’s a whole lot of fun.
January, 2023
The Bug-A-Salt is the coolest invention since Seth Wheeler invented toilet paper on a roll back in 1891. While this begs the question how everybody managed prior to 1891, the Bug-A-Salt is clearly in the same league with Wheeler’s inspired invention.
August 17, 2022
When I tell you this is the most fun you can legally have on a Tuesday in the middle of the day, believe me.
July 4, 2014
Forget fly swatters, the Bug-A-Salt air-powered RIFLE takes out creepy crawlies with a single blast of SALT
September 5, 2012
Bug-A-Salt, Rifle That Kills Insects With Table Salt, Obliterates Fundraising Goal
July 23, 2012
The Bugasalt: A Miniature Shotgun that Murders Insects With Ordinary Table Salt
August 9, 2017
Deeply enjoyable mosquito killing machines that are somehow legal to buy