Fire Your Fly Swatter!

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"This is a no fly zone!"

Lorenzo, Bug-A-Salt inventor

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Lorenzo Maggiore inventor of the Bug-A-Salt gun with two of his two salt guns

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I have not had so much fun since I discovered girls at the age of twelve! - J. Elkins This thing is some of the best money I have ever spent, and I've spent some money... Thanks again for your invaluable service to humanity. Death to all flies! - Tor M. This purchase was worth every penny! - Omar M. Makes a grown man happier than a little girl on Christmas Day! - Robert E. Whoever thought of this up should get a product of the Century Award! There is nothing on this world more satisfying that nailing a fly in mid flight and watch it spiral to the ground like a WWII combat plane. The Bug-A-Salt is simply the coolest thing on earth and if you don’t buy one your just an idiot. I challenge ANYONE to come up with more value for fun for the price. It just can’t happen and I will win that bet EVERYTIME! – Gary H. Y'alls F-ing product is the bee's knees. It is the literally the best thing EVER. You guys have given me back my power over icky pests that cleary escaped from hell. Thank you so much - Eve B. Whoever thought killing flys would be this much fun. -Mike B. My husband loves his lawn Bug A Salt and is often shooting bugs around the grill. -Claire M. A bugs worst nightmare. -Craig B. Awesome a hit at the campground. -Mike L. So much fun it's freaky. -Danny This gun is 100% badass. -John A. Have to be careful you'll lose track of time. -Kyle J. Bug-A-Salt has released the Great Hunter in me. I'm the Death Star, firing away with my blaster cannons at the buzzing flies. -Juaninta W. Makes me laugh like an evil villain. -Chris E. Hours of fun for the husband. -Karen D. I find myself just carrying it around hoping I see a fly. -Vincent C. You cannot buy this much fun for 40 bucks anywhere! -Bob S. My Husband LOVES it! Keeps him and his friends entertained for a long time. -Cheryl B. Family loves it. My husband & 26 yr old son fight over it! -Carol S. Great man toy. -Patricia T. Turned my mild entomophobic wife into a bloodthirsty maniac. She loves this thing! She's gone Rambo on anything that flies or crawls. -T.B. Best purchase of the year! -Jonathan M. Perfect marriage of toy and tool! My husband is having a blast. -Donna A. Makes eating on the patio doubly enjoyable. -Aaron S. Definitely a slice of redneck heaven. -David C. Great product and great fun for hunting camp friends of all ages. -Scott R. Endless fun. I don’t see any loss of interest anytime soon! -Jesse D. Bought it as a joke gift, ended up being really useful for hard to reach places. -Robert M. Love it! The rush is addictive! -Brad M. Great fun, and for me better. I have COPD no longer have to spray poison in the air. -Henry H. This is a fun way to eliminate pests. -Steven D. It turns a mundane chore into an exciting adventure. As soon as I loaded the salt I instantly became a “big game bug hunter.” -Peter P. This is just the greatest thing to kill those pesky flies! My friends have just as much fun as I have had trying to wipe out the fly population. -Steve E. It is just fun. Like a kid again. IT IS FUN. -Brian T. Oh I Love the thing. My old lady said it was a waste of money when I first got it......until she used it......on me. -Ryan B. Purchased as an anniversary present for my husband. He's spent many nights posted up on the front porch waiting for the moths to roll in at dusk. -Courtney W. It’s fun to eradicate a pest, way more fun than a swatter! -Cody L. Purchased for my dads birthday. Now my dad’s friends think he’s crazy because he sits outside all day killing bugs. -Carter C. Turn your home into a Safari! Makes fly extermination a fun adventure. -Kirk H. I hate flies and this gun makes it easy and fun to kill them. -Bryan C. Great toy for adults. -Raymond G. Purchased the 3.0 and it’s a wicked flyswatter! -Joshua D. Bought this for Dad as a present - he said its one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten him! -Heather R. It is the neatest gift for a man. -Cheryl M. Great way to season steaks on the grill. -Brian K. Holy cow I love this gun! Flys, bumblebees, spyiders, moths, steak, pizza, eggs, potatoes, avocado. Honestly, the possibilities are endless! -Miguel D. I love this thing. Now I waste too much time hunting bugs! -Randy N. I love it! So does my pit bull. She knows when I’m hunting bugs and rushes to join! -Thomas M. Entertaining, better than a fly swatter any day. -Jeff C. Great gift for the hero in your life. -Tanya B. Best toy ever for a hunter. -Lary S. HATE FLYS. LOVE BUG A SALT -Kent H. It’s a lot of fun, just not fun for the bugs. -Lonnie W. It’s like a Gobi Desert sandstorm! -Greg L. Best, fastest and most entertaining to take out these pesky flies!! -Joseph Z. I can’t stop murdering bugs. The laser is a 100% must have! -Michael L. Quite cool, feel like I’m hunting. Makes killing flies fun. -Kirk D. I leave my screen door open to stock the house with viable quarry, and get excited when a fly lands on my toe. My wife says I'm too into this. -Joe O. More fun than deer hunting! - James M.